Friday, April 20, 2012

Fun Ways To Help Your Child Improve In Concentration

By Anthony Rogers

Ensuring optimum functioning of our mental capacities through maintaining mind fitness would allow us to participate and do well in our every day activities. The key to keeping our mind healthy is to establish more brain connections through constant learning. However, learning is quite difficult for children because of their natural inability to concentrate.

Technological innovations has prepared man accomplish milestones in various aspects such as art, science and medicine, and mostly, in his manner of living. Many parents are against their children using technology because of its adverse psychological, behavioural and health effects. Moreover video games are particularly discouraged.

However video games are addictive and usually exhibit violence and other crude behaviors that addicted players copy in some way, not every video games produce negative side effects on its consumers. In fact, playing video games can aid a child enhance their sensory-motor skills, their visual and auditory processing, and even improves their focus and retention. Depending on the game console they have, kids would be able to make use of their hands, and in the case of the Nintendo Wii, their whole body, so they would be able to exercise physically and improve their motor coordination and visual abilities.

Today, well-liked video games promote strategic thinking plus the skill of accuracy and rapidity. This means a gamer must be able to focus and think during gameplay. kids perceive video games as means of fun and entertainment which is why they would be fascinated in playing them and they would exert additional effort in accomplishing its objectives to be able to succeed or finish the game successfully. Eventually, whether they really are playing a game or not, as long as a specific thing interests them, they would be able to concentrate on it to achieve results they desire.

But of course, everything has its disadvantages. Allowing a child to play certain video games is okay but as a parent or guardian, you must make sure that there is always a restriction to his play time as not to encourage obsession to these games. You can encourage your youngster to do well in schools and reward him with playing time during weekends. Little does he know, he is still learning even if he is only having enjoyment.

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