Sunday, September 11, 2016

Buying A Moonshine Still Intrigues Many Home Brewers

By Donna Bell

There are coffee lovers and tea lovers. Some people drink expensive designer distilled water all day long. Certain individuals are interested in having a taste of alcohol upon occasion. You can find many different kinds of wines and beers in liquor stores. Some come in boxes at a very reasonable price. Others have been bottled in certain years that make them rare and extremely expensive. It is becoming more popular to make beer and wine at home. Some individuals are even interested in brewing whiskey in a moonshine still.

This liquor has a history that goes back before the era of Prohibition, although that is the time that probably thrust it into the mainstream of society. When alcohol was banned by federal law, bootleggers knew there was a lucrative business in illegal sales of outlawed liquor. Moonshine, also known as white lightning, hooch, shine, and by many other names, was easy to manufacture and bottle. It quickly found an eager public ready to break the law in order to buy it.

You can buy a still online very easily. They are offered new and used and come in a wide variety of sizes and prices. If you want to build one yourself, you can purchase kits and plans for a nominal fee. Even the most respectable websites, where people buy everything from video games to cars, have stills for sale. A person looking for stills for personal use can find high quality equipment for three to seven hundred dollars.

You don't even have to be interested in making alcohol to be intrigued by the equipment. Most are made of copper, and the best are nothing short of works of art. Many people shop for antique stills to decorate rooms in their homes. They are certainly great conversation pieces.

If you actually decide to try your hand at making the beverage, you should be able to entertain your imbibing guests with some facts about the brew. First of all, it is not aged. That is one of the reasons it is so easy to make, and one of the reasons for its popularity. When it is ready for consumption, it is somewhere in the vicinity of one hundred fifty to one hundred seventy proof.

There is a NASCAR connection. Moonshiners often built cars specially fitted to be able to outrun a suspicious sheriff. Eventually someone decided it would be fun to race these vehicles on a track, and that was the beginning of stock car racing. There is also a connection with popular soft drinks that routinely sponsor drivers.

The biggest question about this activity concerns the legality of it. The fact is that, in most states, it not legal to produce moonshine for personal consumption. In certain states, the commercial production of this whiskey is permitted, but only after purchasing all applicable licenses. The government can raid the homes of private citizens suspected of illegal activity and confiscate all equipment it finds.

Making alcohol for personal use can be a really fun hobby. If you decide to venture into the world of moonshine production, just be careful the "revenuers" don't find out.

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