Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Choosing A Professional Illustrator Portland Maine

By Jeannie Chapman

A great illustration can capture the imagination of a reader. Whether it is a timeless classic or the work of a new writer the addition of the right picture can make all the difference. That is why it is worth investing in the right professional illustrator Portland Maine.

The first thing to consider is what kind of style you want. The kind of picture you want for a science fiction novel will be different for the kind of picture that you want for a book for children about finding a lost teddy bear. The illustration you choose will set the tone for your reader so it is worth thinking carefully before you contact an illustrator.

When you are considering someone to illustrate a project think about what you want. You may want something stylish that grabs the attention of your reader. The kind of cover you would get for an exciting thriller will be different from a quirky romantic comedy. A good illustrator can not only make great pictures but will also have an understanding of your potential audience.

Therefore the tone of the picture needs to be considered. While a joke may help to make a point in a lighthearted way you may not necessarily want something that is too much like a newspaper strip. The best way to avoid this is with a clear brief that provides the information that an artist needs.

Once you know how many you want and the kind of style it is then easier to contact an illustrator as you can tell them exactly what you want. They should then tell you how much they charge per page. For example some may charge for a black and white picture and then more to add colour.

You also need to find out if they will charge for redoing pictures. Some illustrators may be willing to redo pictures at no additional charge. However others may ask you to pay more to redo, especially if it involves changing a lot of details. A smart artist will show you a picture at the rough stage so you can point out any changes with the minimum of additional work for the artist.

You should also have a formal agreement. Some companies pay 50 per cent upfront for illustrations and then the other 50 per cent when the work has been completed in a way that they are happy with. This tends to be best for both the artist and the person commissioning the work. You should also give a clear deadline so they know how long they have to do it. Often it is easier for an artist to focus on a project if they know when it has to be in for!

It is also advisable when contacting a professional illustrator Portland Maine to come up with an agreement before work starts. A contract will give rights to both you and the artist. For example some people will agree to 50 per cent payment before work starts and the other 50 per cent when satisfied. The artist ought to be willing to work to your specifications. However it is equally important to show them respect and to give them a clear deadline and expectations. Look online to find the best artist to suit your needs as well as getting feedback on the quality of their services.

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