Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Spiritual Awakening, What Is It?

By Alex D White

When an individual is physically awake, it is becomes conscious enough to move from its bed and starts its daily proceedings. When we keep lying on the bed even after being completely awake we start feeling uneasy and then wake up. Similarly, when we are spiritually awake, we become aware of our surroundings and we know that we are not spiritually satisfied with our life, we start feeling similar uneasiness and we then feel to rise above the current level of spirituality.

Spiritual Awakening is something that happens when you feel that you have got connected or united with the God itself. It is something when you know that you have become an eternal spirit or you have become a part of the world as a whole and even a part of The God or Divine. Well the spiritual awakening is something very special that takes you beyond the physical or real world that you think and provides you with the real essence of life.

What you have to realize is the being bodily wide awake is incredibly just like being spiritually awake. Being bodily unsleeping needs you to be aware about your environment, at first it is probably vague and in a while grows to be completely distinct. In addition, whilst you are spiritually wide awake you get extra aware of the religious realities all around you.

Even a small event often does lead to spiritual awakening, which might bring essential changes in our life in an instant. When you suffer or live such an extreme moment it stays in your mind forever and you keep referring to this moment when life takes on with difficult times, as it came to you from a deeper conscious, which is powerful, gives you strength and courage.

While you get bodily wakeful the next element which you do is open your eyes and take a look at the surroundings round you, gradually the darkness fades off and the sunlight enters and we get to look through all the matters around us. Further, whilst get spiritually awake you open your eyes to find out the spiritual reality in the back of the whole lot which you see or experience. The sufferings of human beings, the lives of the seekers, the happiness, the terror and the battle of different humans and lots of different emotions in conjunction with that, most of these emerge as truly seen when on is spiritually wakeful.

Often we are physically awakened reason being in danger, or someone having a fight, robbery happening in our house, or due to medical emergencies. This very often leads to confusion of why we are awake. Similarly, one can be spiritually awakened by a preacher, who might be preaching about spirituality. It shall be trying to provide us with the meaning of existence. You can even get spiritually awaken by going through a book or verse and so on. Here too confusion arises, but when one is spiritually awaken, enlightenment follows it.

You are now in a state where you will be able to experience your true self, which is also the pure state of awareness or the true presence. One can increase its speed towards spiritual awakening by having proper focus on to choose how this happens.

It is found that there are lots of preachers around the world that are giving lessons on being spiritually awaken. There are individuals being a part of their discussions and learning how they can accomplish it. They definitely don't want to be the last one to be spiritually awakened and therefore they want to become a part of it as fast as possible.

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