Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Helpful Guide To Commissioned Oil Paintings

By Shirley Roberts

Finding a beautiful work of art to furnish a home or to give as a present may seem like a daunting challenge. However buying commissioned oil paintings may be easier to achieve than your realize. Read on to get some helpful tips on how to navigate the process of acquiring a work of art that is customized to your requirements.

As a first step it is helpful to carefully consider what type of style, color and scale you are seeking. Thus it is worthwhile to spend some time working out where the painting will be located. That way you can carefully plan the size, design and color scheme to compliment its environment.

If the painting is a gift for a loved one, think about what he or she is interested in and loves. An oil painting that reflects his or her personality is a meaningful and thoughtful gift. It is also useful to jot down your budget in advance. Finally, spend some time looking through art magazines and online to see examples of artworks. This is sure to give you plenty of ideas and inspiration for styles and colors.

There are a limitless number of subjects for oil paintings but getting a sense of the classic genres is a good starting point. These include landscape, portraits, figurative, still life and abstract. Artists explore a variety of variations on these themes.

Once you have considered carefully the type of subject that will best suit your requirements, the next part is to find an artist who is focusing on this particular genre. The means of connecting to artists are varied. Some possibilities are demonstrated in the following paragraphs.

Some of the possibilities for learning about artists and their work include checking out art fairs, looking in local galleries and perusing individual artist websites. Do some preliminary research before visiting an art venue so that you can focus your time on those artists work you are most interested in. While working with local artists is an ideal arrangement for many it can also be relatively simple to connect with those in other locations. Many artists regularly ship their work around the world.

Even if you are not completely sure if an artist undertakes commissioned work it may be worth asking. In fact there are lots who are happy to consider requests. They can provide clients with the important details of shipping costs, pricing and returns policies.

Most importantly be a well educated and responsible consumer. This means making safe choices and vetting carefully products, providers and services. Be sure that you are informed on the important aspects of deposits, returns policies and insurance. To get help on this topic you might want to check out some of the monthly magazines that are devoted to art collecting. They often include practical articles and advice. Keep in mind that oil paint typically is a slow medium. Artwork takes a long time to create and to dry. However the wait is well worth it.

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