Saturday, February 11, 2012

Some Simple Tips on the Way to Solve a Crossword Puzzle

By Zeta C Donairee

Guidelines on the way to solve a crossword puzzle include the following: positive answers, multiple possible answers, abbreviated hints, question mark by the end, plural answers, and international language.

Crossword puzzle games are not just entertaining, but they're also great for one's mind because it increases an individual's vocabulary. When players get used to the game, they become hooked to it primarily due to the obstacle it provides. Novices, as well as individuals who've never played the game, should not be discouraged that they're unable to solve many of its clues since there are tips in fixing this game. Read this article to learn the guidelines on the way to solve a crossword puzzle.

Certain answers

One of the best approaches to solve a crossword puzzle is to start with the ones you're sure of the answers. These hints require answers that need no further debate and that you are less likely to ask assistance from Words With Friends Cheat. For instance, "Leaning Tower of _ _ _ _" or "_ _ _ _ F. Kennedy". You will find that each of the blanks provided is asking for an answer which has no other potential answer, and all you have to do is to fill out those blank spots. Therefore, if you know the leaning tower of Pisa or John F. Kennedy, then you could quickly provide the perfect words to those hints. As soon as you're done answering the simplest hints, you'll then acquire more suggestions to the remaining puzzle, that will also help you solve the remainder of the hints.

Multiple possible answers

Right after answering the simple hints, you may now proceed to the challenging ones. These are the ones that have greater than one possible answer. To solve a clue like this, you have no option but to give a provisional answer and see if that answer will fit well with the other nearby answers. In case your answer fits in with the other adjacent answers, then that is the best one. Nevertheless, if some of its letters aren't correct, then it is not the right answer to the clue, and you must search for another answer to that specific clue. It is best that you utilize a pencil when responding to hints that you're not yet certain of.

Shortened clues

Shortened hints or clues which have the term "briefly" in them would commonly signify that the answers are in shortened forms. For example, the appropriate answer to the hint "commencement in an individual's life, briefly" would be "Ret.", or "Abe" will be the answer for the clue "Pres. Lincoln".

Question mark at the end

In case a clue has a question mark at the end, its likely that the answer would be an easy concept of the word or phrase, or it could also be an insidious one. For example, "Somebody who has no to-do plan?" can very well indicate "unrest".

Plural answers

Clues written in plural types are often asking for answers which are also in plural types. While most plural forms of words end in the letter "s", there are also others that do not. Hence, do not immediately fill in the last box using the letter "s", unless you are confident that the answer ends in that letter.

International language

When a foreign language is used in the hint, your most likely answer would also be of that similar language.

If you solve crossword puzzles on a regular or daily basis, you will notice that a few of the hints are repeated again and again. You may not be able to answer all the clues yet, but you will surely get better in time if you play this game regularly.

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