Saturday, October 15, 2016

Reading May Help Stop The Decline In Language And Culture

By Barbara Morgan

In this modern era of text speech, it appears the art of written communication is in danger of death. The abbreviated language of the Internet and cellular telephones has children limited in their ability to understand the world. Without effective reading comprehension, many young people can be left behind in a world growing more and more competitive.

When a child reads they are learning new words, new ways to use colorful language, and it helps to improve their spelling and basic comprehension. It has long been known that newspapers are written at a sixth grade level. It is unacceptable that supposedly literate adults graduating from public schools find it challenging to read even the most basic newspaper articles.

When a person reads, they are whisked away on an adventure, or they can be taught an entirely new skill. This is an excellent way to pass a rainy day, and results in much more benefit to the young person than playing video games or watching television. Your children will not be better people as a result of watching five seasons of Jersey Shore, but their understanding of the world can be expanded in a single afternoon spent with a science fiction novel.

When an adult reads, and their children see them doing so, or they read directly to their little ones, it creates an interest in this activity for their child. Not only do they wish to do what the adults are doing, but their desire to please their parents is very strong when they are small. Parents can use this desire to instill in their child a life-long love of books and learning.

Having excellent skills in grammar, punctuation, and spelling in this day and age can most certainly grant a young person an edge over their peers. Being able to read well makes learning easier and more enjoyable for anyone. When learning becomes second nature and constant, then the chances of a young person desiring to pursue further education is increased.

Even those who do not go to college experience the benefits of a basic love of learning that can only be instilled in a person who reads. A life rich in knowledge is a life full of opportunity, and we all respect these self made men and women who continue to show this lust for life long after their school years. Maintaining a love of learning throughout our life makes us happier and more fulfilled as adults.

With the World Wide Web one might want to assume that more people are actively engaged in the pursuit of knowledge for knowledge sake. This has unfortunately not been the case, as so many people do waste their time on gaming, pornographic addiction that harms their relationships, and other junk food for their brains. Young people are growing up watching their parents dumb themselves down.

Without readers, society will lose writers, and eventually there will be no more books. What will the next generation look like if no more books are being published, and society no longer spawns creative writers. What will the people of the future be like if they grow up only interested in play, with no regard for learning new things.

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