Saturday, January 14, 2012

Love It - Samsung Digital Camera Critique

By Anthony Scott

When we visited a water park, on one of the slides, it flew out of my pocket.

It doesn't overshadow those close-ups like a flash can. In fact, there's the general close-up mode, the super close-up mode, and then the ultra close-up mode with the LED. Having lost my last Stylus Tough, I upgraded to this model. While, I still think it is a good niche product, the startup time is terrible, and it does appear to take much longer to focus and snap pictures.

Most of the pictures come blurry and the color of the pictures is greyish. The flash is very poor. The down load of photos and movies was difficult and would not mate with the PC documents files. The battery time was OK and the photos were good. With much research and review reading, we decided to get this camera. Over the past month it has performed just as good, if not better than our old one. It survived a fall off the car hood @ 20 mph and worked. So I was excited to upgrade to this model for a recent Honduras trip. My husband hands it to me and it is extremely warm. I try to shut it off and it won't shut off. The camera work wonderfully. I took it snorkeling twice and love the pictures and video I got. Those who rated 5 stars pointed to the 1 star reviewers and said they were not paying attention to the actual features, or 'learning' how to use it properly. Within 10 minutes of just 'playing around' I found how to change turn off the immediate preview, and change the shutter speed from normal to 'sequential' to 'high sequential'.

The 'manual' is stored in the camera, which was new to me, but it wasn't difficult to figure out. All in all, I like that better because it saves resources, as well as the added benefit of a 'tutorial' scenario where the user can practice different shooting modes and methods, etc.

However, I needed a waterproof camera for work, and this ended up being the only one available immediately in town. I am glad it was. Their program you use on the computer is great too. So many awesome features! Otherwise, it is fantastic! If you follow the instructions, it is easy to use, with no leaking possible.

The 3000 had no lens protection, so it was inevitably getting dirt, dust, sand and water on the lens which really messes up your pictures. This camera fixed that with a lens cover that shoots over the lens when you turn the camera off; it feels sturdy and keeps the grime out.

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