Monday, January 9, 2012

Something Changed Since I Last Purchased - Underwater Digital Camera Review

By Addison Wilson

So therein lies the problem. The picture quality is average at best. I have always enjoyed Olympus products. The Olympus Stylus Tough 6020 lives up to my expectations. I wanted a camera to take in snorkeling and also one that I was not worried about getting wet if caught out in a rain shower. I have a Canon DSLR, but did not want to spend hundreds more for an underwater housing. Also the pictures always seemed to turn out blurry; I'd have to take several pictures of the same frame to get a good one. I tried every setting and always ended up with the same result.

I rated the durability at a 4 because after reading the review from the gentleman who left the camera on his golf cart, I was careful not to expose the screen to any sharp objects, but the screen was still scratched within the first week. This camera definitely needs a carrying case or maybe buy one of those cling-on screen covers used for cell phones.

The instructions provided with the camera, as well as the camera itself, are targeted toward PC users. There are no instructions with the camera, and none I can find so far online, for Mac users. My camera only last for 1 month, I used it for one week in the beach and it took great pictures underwater, then I used it in the pool (1 meter or less deep) and water got in (the lock was secure) I don't recommend this camera to anyone! I did read the reviews before purchasing this and this camera was on another site rated highly for waterproof digital cameras so at only $170 I thought I would give it a shot since it was relatively low priced.

Panorama was difficult to make work right. It is only a mediocre camera.

The colors were washed out or to dark. It is utterly useless in low light. The LED is amazing. These modes would be great for engagement rings, baby feet and fingers, and pretty much everything.

What a mistake. Since returning home, I have returned my camera and in fairness Olympus fixed and returned it within two weeks.

Ok, I thought I did a lot of research here, looking at quality of image and quietness of the video zoom, etc. I saw this on some of the best online camera review sites, and of course, the waterproofing and durability.

Also, no external battery charger, so you have connect it with its door open to charge it - not ideal for keeping dust and dirt out of the waterproof compartment. Its overall design and build are not impressive. Probably seven out of ten pictures are terrible. I consider myself pretty knowledgeable in picture taking and I have tried changing all the functions and nothing improves the quality.

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