Sunday, August 18, 2013

Start Up Tips In Beat Making

By Delroy Wilkins

There are a couple of routes through which to enter the world of hip hop. You can decide to buy beats and instrumentals online and math them to your lyrics. You can also decide to learn how to make your own beats and lyrics. If you intend to create your own beats, you should consider other artists who would be willing to buy them online. What would they want to listen to? Like with all success stories, creating amazing beats doesn't happen overnight. There are however a couple of things you can do to nurture inspiration and build on your creativity to produce beats.

Grab the listener's attention. Your beats are one of the elements that make up a hip hop track. Although blended with vocals and instrumentals, your beats should be able to stand on their own. Your beat should have a unique feel to it. The listeners should willingly want to listen to the track and the beat should ensure this. Great beats actually act as a source for inspiration for the artist's lyrics and you should keep this in mind when creating beats for sale online.

Start out simple. Whoever said that big things start from small beginnings was not wrong, especially where beat making is concerned. With the desire to create something big and powerful, you might be at a loss of where to start to reach such greatness. The first step is to begin with simple chords. Of course, this may be too daunting for your talents but the fundamentals of chord construction may be just the key to a great beat. After gaining mastery over all the chords, minor and major, you can experiment with chord progression, play around with the notes and see if you create something that might just be the next big thing.

Don't try to reinvent the wheel. Although hip hop concentrates on rapping as compared to other genres, the rules of song production still apply here. When creating your beats, always keep in mind the traditional song structure. Whether it's a new style you're trying out, don't try to reinvent the wheel. The song structure found in different genres of music is basically universal and music lovers tend to appreciate it.

Reinforce the Song's Story. Never forget that you don't just make beats, you use it as part of the mix together with the vocals. Hip hop is a whole new way to tell a story and aside from the obvious sound effects to correlate with the MC's words but you don't have to stop at that. Why not take it to a higher level such as adding effects like reverb when the lyrics tell about being inside a tunnel.

The beat production industry might be thought dead but the contrary is true. Even if you can simply buy and download beats off the internet, there's so much room for the beginner beat maker. If you are starting out as a beat maker, there's a lot to learn but its worth it if you want to create world class beats.

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