Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Great Variety Of Vacations

By Clinton H. Xavier

Taking a vacation is something that everybody enjoys. There aren't too many feelings that are better than leaving work for a couple days or weeks. When you are on vacation, you can do whatever you want, and go wherever you want. Many people imagine a family vacation as loading the kids up in the car and driving or flying somewhere like Disney World.

Of course, once you start to consider the subject more carefully, you'll quickly realize that there are plenty of different kinds of vacations. You are in no way obligated to drive to Disney World or visit your Uncle in Nebraska. You can do whatever you want. In this article, you'll learn some of the many different kinds of vacations available, so you can have the time of your life no matter what you do.

The traditional vacation is one that everybody is familiar with. You pick a destination, gather the kids up and get there somehow. If it's close enough, you can drive. If it's not, you can fly. While you are there, you try and have as much fun as possible. Then when you get home, you start planning your next trip, usually to the same place. This is great for families.

One kind of vacation that is popular with active people is the sporting vacation. This is when you visit somewhere specifically for the purpose of practicing a sport. The most popular sports for this are golf and skiing. Many people also go white water rafting, backpacking and surfing.

More and more people have been going on personal retreats for their vacation. These are run like seminars, with some teaching, and some interactive exercises. These are usually held in big hotels for a couple of days, but they can sometimes last up to a couple of weeks. The topics are usually anything from personal growth, to wealth building.

Educational vacations are also becoming more popular. These are where you study a subject in a college classroom setting. About half your time is spent learning theory and background, while the other half is spent learning from a hands on experience.

There are obviously plenty of different vacations to choose from. All you need to do now is choose on that you like and start planning your next adventure.

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