Friday, November 22, 2013

Becoming A Master Of Music By Following Piano Instruction

By Sonya Riley

Music is just the greatest thing. It makes people around the world dance and sing, to get together and have a wonderful time. Some it helps to concentrate and create new things, to some it's the source of workout-motivation. One thing is clear: music belongs to every culture on earth. Everyone sings, dances and plays their instruments. If you too want to be transformed from basic listener into music-maker, follow these piano instruction for starters!

It will always be a good idea to take some lessons, especially if you plan on becoming a true master. There are both private and public music schools in many areas. These schools usually require some experience and/or passing a test of some kind. It may sound terrifying to stand before a group of people doing what is most likely your first public performance, but don't freak out. Just practice and sing a song you like or a little piece with an instrument you have played before. They won't be too hard on you.

Other, maybe even better option is to look for a teacher online or through a local newspaper. These private teachers will usually charge you for an hour instead of year, so it's possible to take just a few lessons. However, it is also other ways to learn besides the traditional lessons. Internet has brought countless learning opportunities with it; you just have to know a little something about music and your instrument first.

The notation system, as well as your instrument, consists of ongoing octaves. These octaves always start and end with the same note. C-major for instance: C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C. There's actually very logical system for naming the different C:s and D:s etc., but most of the time you here people just talking about the 'lower D' and 'really high C'.

The most used C-major (in the beginning that is) is located in the middle of the keyboard. You find the C by looking at the black keys: it is always the key right on the left side of the 'group of two' of the blacks. C-major has just white keys in it, so if you play them all up until the next C, you have most likely played it.

Now place your right hand's thumb on the C you just found. Your other four fingers fall naturally to the next white keys. Start on the key E whit your middle finger and play: E D C D E E E D D D E G G, take a rest and continue: E D C D E E E D D E D C.

If that seems difficult, you can try colors instead of letters or create your own method, whatever works for you. Draw your own notes! Improvising or playing by ear is not a bad idea either.

If you managed to play the song, you noticed that it was 'Mary had a little lamb'. These piano instruction helped you to get started, now keep up practicing and some day you will be a true artist. Video-tutorials and other useful material can be easily found on the net.

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