Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How to Make A Patchwork Quilt And Get Fit At The Same Time

By Jane Green

Patchwork quilting has for a long time had reputation as being the the past-time of mothers, and grandmothers. But I am going to challenge that notion today, and here is how...

You are about to learn 3 new and thrilling ways for making a patchwork quilt.

1) Get Stronger With Each Patch

To commence you off with something straightforward, here's a challenge that's going to push your body and your abilities to the limit.

Cut up and collect all of your quilting patches, then sort them into groups. For each group, assisgn one fitness exercise.

After you sew each patch on to your quilt, you then have to go and do that exercise. When you have it all sorted, it should look something like this:

- Green patch - ten pushups

- Purple patch - 15 sit ups

- White Patch - ten chin ups

- Orange Patch 15 squat thrusts

When you finish your quilt, you'll have a body as hard as granite and the power to clobber a dozen security guards. Be sure to use your new found strength smartly.

2) The Candle Challenge

Do you find that quilting is eating up all your time or just find that it just simply takes far too long to make each quilt?

Well then it's time to grab hold of a candle, light the wick and place it in between your toes. You start your quilt when you light the candle and don't stop until either the quilt is finished or the candle runs out.

If the candle burns out first, you have to throw out your current patchwork quilt and start again.

You'll be astonished by how fast you can put a quilt together when you do not care about the small inconsistencies and you'll be shocked at just how many corners you can cut to save time here and there!

3) Ultra Extreme Mode

This one is short and easy.

Get a threatening animal, a poisionous snake, a handfull of scorpions or a wild tiger and put them in a room.

Then get your quilting materials prepared and dive in. The challenge here is to get in, make your patchwork quilt and get out before anything bad happens.

Yes, you can hold your head high when you complete this extreme challenge, knowing you're the most hardcore quilter of any that you know. And you can rest secure in the knowledge that you can stare down any amount of fatal animals too!

So lets give the patchwork quilt pre-conception a good shake up and prove to the world that we're nothing to sneeze at!

Readers please note : This is all in good fun, don't actually consider doing any of the above. Well except perhaps the exercise one, that should be ok.

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