Sunday, January 13, 2013

Opting For The Perfect Designs For Unique Tattoos

By Raymond Ebersole

Getting a tattoo is as big a commitment as having a child or getting married. You'll have that design inked into your skin for the rest of your life. Because you need a design that you'll still love when you're eighty, it's important to really think it through. Unique tattoos force you to do just that.

Like fashion and decor, there are trends in tattoo designs as well. At one time everyone wanted fairies or cartoon characters; at another time it was Celtic designs or tribal bands around the arm. Chinese symbols were popular for a while, as were single words. Currently Japanese-style tattoo designs are very popular.

Following fashion is perfectly okay, except that with a tattoo it will send the wrong message. Instead of showing your uniqueness, you're showing that you're just another sheep in the flock. It sends the message that you're unable to think for yourself or have your own opinions.

It is in fact those designs that are trendy at the time that most people want to have removed or changed later on. Reputable tattoo artists actually warn their clients about this when those clients request something they've seen on their favorite celebrity. They prefer creating something unique that their clients will want to have for life.

The best type of design to choose is one that has a special significance for you. If you choose it for its meaning rather than for its aesthetic merit, it's less likely that it will become merely a trend. Aesthetics are important as well but a pretty picture of something you care about shows that it has a special meaning for you. A pretty picture of a fairy is just that: a pretty picture of a fairy.

One way in which you can wear a meaningful design that nobody else will have is to get a picture of someone you really love. A beautiful picture of your mother or your children will mean so much more to you in thirty years' time than a beautiful picture of Tweety Bird. Think carefully about whose picture you choose, though. That person you're dating right now may one day become the person you're hating.

Special places or events can make for great tattoo designs as well. An animal from home, the mountain at your favorite place or a symbol from a country you've visited will always remind you of why you love that place. Many people also get designs with sayings, lines from a poem or a song or some other text that means a lot to them. As always, you need to consider what you choose. When you're eighty you may not find such special meaning in the lyrics of a Justin Bieber song as you do now.

Once you've decided on the type of design you want, have a consultation with a reputable tattoo artist. He or she has done many unique tattoos and will help you work on the finer details of your design. Once you're ready, he or she will create a piece of art that you'll love forever, like it's meant to be.

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